Selected Publications

  1. Book: Pedestal What Makes American Democracy Stable And Why Your Everyday Thoughts, Words & Actions Determine Its Success
  2. American Political Science Association 2024 Annual Meeting Poster: Shared Political Values as the Foundation of American Democracy’s Stability
  3. The Liberal Patriot: The Philosophy that Wins the Middle
  4. Heal The West: Lessons in Listening from a Political Exile
  5. Novel: Let There Be Light
  6. Novel: Sink
  7. Forbes: Social Entrepreneurship Careers
  8. Forbes: Clean Energy Around the World
  9. Forbes: Clean Energy’s Glorious Bargain
  10. Forbes: Funding Sources for clean energy development
  11. Solar Industry Magazine: Why Efficiency Makes Sense with Solar
  12. Efficiency Law: To Be or Not to Be: Cleantech Start-ups in a Recession
  13. arXiv: Numerical Green’s Function Modeling of One-Dimensional Quantum Transport
  14. U.S. Department of Energy: Modeling Superconducting Magnets to Optimize Luminosity for the LHC
  15. Harvard University: Under The Radar: Physics, Engineering, & the Distortion of a WWII Legacy
  16. Canadian Journal of Undergraduate Physics: Scribble While We Work
  17. TCS Daily: The Imaginary ‘Pink Tide’
  18. TCS Daily: Torture and the Nation
  19. TCS Daily: Argentina’s Ailment online at TCS Daily, November 2007
  20. TCS Daily: Profile in Courage
  21. The New Atlantis: Notes and Briefs
  22. US Patent: No 10,417,565. System, Method, and Computer Program for Modeling Energy Consumption in a Building.

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